Thursday, June 19, 2008

Declutter and Get organized!!!

Do you fidn yourself wondering very often why your house is always a mess? That you really need to get down to cleaning that cupboard? Really need to sort out the papers? Can't find that all important document? Hmmm... well, its a fairly common trait and can be overcome with a few simple changes..

It's really not a difficult task to get organized.

  • First, fix a cork board to your kitchen wall or dedicate a space behind a door for this. if you can't get hold of a cork board, tape up a thermocol sheet and cover it with a bright old cloth so it looks good. And do buy some board pins.
  • Next, you can have a look at this very helpful websitewhich provides several templates for your convenience. I, for one, am very forgetful of birthdays and anniversary. So, I've gotten a birthday calendar from here. You could get To Do lists, Cleaning lists, grocery lists, etc from the site.[If taking print outs is not possible, at least go through the various templates to identify which areas could be of use to you. then take separate sheets for each and just write the purpose of the sheet on top]
  • Now that you have your sheets, fill them in!
  • Some of your lists could be:
    • Weekly chores,
    • Weekend To Do List,(here's where you add one long standing task per week.)
    • Monthly To Dos
    • Birthday chart,
    • Grocery list (to which you can keep adding so that when you finally go to the supermarket, you just tear the sheet off!),
    • Weekly menus (working moms... it takes a bit of time to write this once a week, but it really helps)
Now, that was to handle all the tasks and chores that pile up routinely. What about decluttering? I'd read in the reader's Digest long back, that anything that's not been used for 2 years or more, will most likely never get used! Well, out they go!!
Next: your cupboard looks like its bursting at the seams yet you feel you've no clothes to wear? get everything out in a pile. Now, anything that's been there for very long needs to be put in a pile that you will donate and feel good about! (Yes, it includes clothes that are favourites, and look..they still look so good...)
Anything which you'd optimistically thought you could fit into and have not been able to for more than 3 years... o.u.t!!! well, you get the drift by now... I'm sure your cupboard will breathe easier..
Do you have the tendency to store everything? every plastic bottle and every pickle jar and every good plastic bag? if they're lying idle for anything more than a month.... please call the kabadi walla.

What next? well, now that you're tidying up, decide on designated spaces for different items. Like all bills go into boxA. All important documents are in File B, passport, cheque books, gas book all in another folder/box. Keep all warranty cards of every single appliance together. Maintain separate folders/ files for each person in the house, which will hold all of his/her certificates. Keys should be kept in a little jar/bowl/key peg.. Just remember to always keep things back in place and then you'd never be looking for things again!!

All you need to do now is refer your charts and sheet to remember all tasks (you'll never miss a birthday and never pay a bill late) and just remember to keep things in place instead of dumping them on the first available surface!

Good luck and please do give me your feedbacks and share your tips as well!!

1 comment:

Five Wise Men said...

thanks for leaving a comment. Im feeling a little blue and yes, yu are right... sometimes its too late for an apology. As for your blogpost, im a hopeless clutterer and no tip in the world will make me clean up.