Thursday, July 31, 2008

The 'twain shall never meet?

I just read a well written blog about the differences between men and women (here) and had a good chuckle!

Why? well, I've always been very amused at the inherent differences between men and women and the ultimate irony that a (straight) couple provides. Think about it, men and women are by nature and instinct born of gazillion years attracted to each other and choose to cohabit together....... and that's when they first think "OMG!!! This is a different species altogether!!!!!!" Panic surmounts as both parties are clueless...!!!! Women just don't get how every ball game/ cricket match/ F1 being televised could be appealing and men are baffled by a woman's demand to "talk".

Women are stunned when the "macho" men in their life refuses to use some sunscreen in Goa and would rather come home with a painful burn. And men are equally lost about why women feel so moved when they get a pretty piece of fluff from a friend instead of a "useful" gift on her birthday.

Well, I could go on and on, but, if you've been in a relationship you know what I'm talking about!!!

So, what's to be done? Do we just bemoan the fact endlessly to friends or get mad?? Aha!! There is a way out...

First of all accept the differences. Secondly, work out some areas of compromise (I said some. you'd be stupid to try all). Third and final learn to pick your battles...

I guess the first two are pretty obvious. As for the third point, well, ask yourself, "does it really make a huge difference if he/she forgot to pick up whatever" Get the idea? We have but one life... can't keep getting mad at all the small stuff...

By the way, also learn some guile! Yep, you heard me! :D If he hates being nagged, make a list of weekly chores, stick it on the list and keep marking yours off.... on saturday, compare notes!
If she takes an hour to dress and you're always late, tell her you have to leave at actually time - half an hour... better still change the clock in the house to run ahead.

Well, I just had to write this today although to actually cover the whole topic would take me a year or two at least!!

1 comment:

Five Wise Men said...

love the post. problem is often the man and woman are talking the same language but interpreting differently. Its not even funny sometimes man. :( I get most bugged by wet towels on the bed, the toilet seat up, never remembering the names of my closest friends (unless they're smokin hot with long legs) and monopolising the TV remote control.