Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Show me your "halwa"

Recently I chanced to overhear a little tyke of 4, singing a local film song with an adorable lisp. The song originally says "Show me your jalwa" (roughly translates to "show me your inner spirit") and the sweetheart was lisping "Show me your halwa"......!!!! (for those who're curious, halwa is a dessert).

Made me smile. Really. Children can be so sweet and innocent. Took me back to school days when we'd been taught a song about a "Teddy Bears' Picnic". It had a line "watch them catch them unawares.." which, to my 5 yr old brain seemed like a fun game of catch, where you "watch them catch their underwear..."!!!!! actually had pictured diaper clad teddies which we had to play with and catch!!!!

Another memory of my 5 yr old niece asking in awe....."Is the moon here green in color....!?!??"... on looking from her height in the car I realized she was viewing it through the green band across the windscreen!

Another kid of 3 asking her dad while at the ATM.."But daddy why is it called a 'ladybird'??" Bet you can't answer that one!!!

Seriously, listen to kids once in a while.... makes you forget your worries even if for a while! :)

1 comment:

Five Wise Men said...

and my dirty mind had immediately jumped to interesting possibilities at 'show me your halwa!!'. kids are impossible! my sister had boldly eaten the cakes served to a visitor when she was not looking directly at her plate. My grandfather had died a 1000 deaths when I picked up "Ill kick you" at the age of four and used it liberally on strangers. your post made me smile.